Mental & Physical Primary Care

FLVCC offers a virtual Direct Primary Care (DPC) subscription membership at a cost-friendly price for FL residents. This includes Mental & Physical Primary Care.
FLVCC offers a virtual Direct Primary Care (DPC) subscription membership at a cost-friendly price for FL residents. This includes Mental & Physical Primary Care.
The FL Virtual Care Clinic is a convenient subscription-based virtual care clinic to supplement traditional fee-for-service commercial insurance. This includes physical, mental, and behavioral health primary care services.
To provide caring and convenient physical, mental, and behavioral healthcare services to Florida residents.
With years of experience as an educator and clinician, this NP-owned clinic will work with you to create a mental & physical primary care holistic plan that's right for you. We understand the importance of shared decision-making and preventative health education to empower wellness instead of illness.
FL Virtual Care Clinic/NP Care Clinic strives to help you improve your quality of life, achieve your wellness goals, and support your best possible life through empathetic care. We listen to you, put ourselves in your shoes, accept you, feel with you, and stand beside you. We always promise to treat you as we would our own family.
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by NP Care Clinic PLLC